Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management 6th Edition by Jack M Kaplan

If you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur, then Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management 6th Edition, pdf, ebook, and free download by Jack M. Kaplan and Jack McGourty might be the perfect read for you. Here is how this book will help you start your new venture in entrepreneurship.

Image of Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management 6th Edition, pdf, ebook and free download by Jack M. Kaplan and Jack McGourty
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Book Description

Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management is the ultimate guide when it comes to starting a new venture, whether it is for the social enterprise or for profit. In this book, you will see many new cases, themes, and a couple of enhanced interactive learning tools that will help you understand entrepreneurship a little bit better.

The book not only contains the basics of entrepreneurship management. However, it also presents current issues, challenges, and rewards that are faced by many entrepreneurs, especially when they are starting and growing their businesses.

You will be very glad to know that this book is very updated. The sixth version contains information that is even more relevant in today’s world. And that is very important because the world is changing every day.

About the Author

Jack M. Kaplan is a Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies who currently teaches at Columbia Business school. During his career as an educator, he has started three successful companies that use smart card technology, loyalty marketing programs, and health care information systems.

Jack McGourty Ph.D. is the current Director of Community and Global Entrepreneurship at the Columbia Business School. He is also a faculty member who teaches courses in entrepreneurship. McGourty has held a few senior positions before coming to Columbia, including vice president of human resources, division president, company president and chief operating officer, and many more.

Read: Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation 3rd Edition by Michael H Morris

Who Should Read the Book?

Business students will be able to learn a lot of useful knowledge through this book. However, if you are a young entrepreneur who is planning to start and grow your own business, you will also find a lot of useful things in this book.

Book Details

Publisher: Wiley; 6th edition (sixth ed) (August 4, 2020)

Publication date: August 4, 2020

Language: English

Print length: 368 pages

Item weight: 1.4 pounds

Dimensions: 8 x 0.83 x 10 inches

Where to Buy the Book

You can find the book on Amazon or other online shopping platforms where you often shop. You can also purchase this book on Wiley’s official website, which is the publisher of this book.

Book Format PDF Free Download

You can find both the paperback and the e-textbook version of this book. You can download the e-textbook version and open it using any electronic device without any problem at all. That is why you should go ahead and get the Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management 6th Edition right now.

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