Pharmacology in Rehabilitation 5th Edition by Charles D Ciccone Review

This Pharmacology in Rehabilitation (Contemporary Perspectives in Rehabilitation) 5th Edition, pdf, ebook, and free download by Charles D. Ciccone PT Ph.D. FAPTA was published by Davis Company on April 10, 2015, in English. The number of pages of this book is 736 sheets and is available in both print and digital form. Many students have bought this book in bookstores.


Those who want to buy this book in advance should read the reviews. Many people have shared their experiences and knowledge when they have read the book. Some recommend buying and some don’t.

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Here is the synopsis we got you to read.

Source: Amazon

Book Description

Understand the benefits and adverse effects of medications commonly taken by patients receiving physical rehabilitation.

Know the latest changes in traditional treatment paradigms for specific diseases.

Discover how and why various medications are being used in new ways.

After reading the synopsis, then you can see the table of contents of this book to find out what points the author discussed.

Table of Content

Unit 1. General Principles of Pharmacology

  1. Basic Principles of Pharmacology
  2. Pharmacokinetics I: Drug Administration, Absorption, and Distribution
  3. Pharmacokinetics II: Drug Elimination
  4. Drug Receptors

Unit 2. Pharmacology of the Central Nervous System

  1. General Principles: Central Nervous System Pharmacology
  2. Sedative-Hypnotic and Antianxiety Agents
  3. Drugs Used to Treat Affective Disorders: Depression and Bipolar Syndrome
  4. Antipsychotic Drugs
  5. Antiepileptic Drugs
  6. Pharmacologic Management of Parkinson Disease
  7. General Anesthetics
  8. Local Anesthetics

Unit 3. Drugs Affecting Skeletal Muscle

  1. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Unit 4. Drugs Used to Treat Pain and Inflammation

  1. Opioid Analgesics
  2. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
  3. Pharmacologic Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis
  4. Patient-Controlled Analgesia

Unit 5. Autonomic and Cardiovascular Pharmacology

  1. Introduction to Autonomic Pharmacology
  2. Cholinergic Drugs
  3. Adrenergic Drugs
  4. Antihypertensive Drugs
  5. Treatment of Angina Pectoris
  6. Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias
  7. Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure
  8. Treatment of Coagulation Disorders and Hyperlipidemia

Unit 5. Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Pharmacology

  1. Respiratory Drugs
  2. Gastrointestinal Drugs

Unit 6. Endocrine Pharmacology

  1. Introduction to Endocrine Pharmacology
  2. Adrenocorticosteroids
  3. Male and Female Hormones
  4. Thyroid and Parathyroid Drugs: Agents Affecting Bone Mineralization
  5. Pancreatic Hormones and the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

Unit 7. Chemotherapy of Infectious and Neoplastic Diseases

  1. Treatment of Infections I: Antibacterial Drugs
  2. Treatment of Infections II: Antiviral Drugs
  3. Treatment of Infections III: Antifungal and Antiparasitic Drugs
  4. Cancer Chemotherapy
  5. Immunomodulating Agents
  6. Complimentary and Alternative Medications

Appendices: Drugs Administered by Iontophoresis and Phonophoresis/Use of the Physician’s Desk Reference/Drugs of Abuse

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Read this: Pharmacology and the Nursing Process 9th Edition by Linda Lane Lilley

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