Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition by James Stewart Review

Cover Image of Calculus Early Transcendentals 9th Edition by James Stewart

Book Description

Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition, pdf, ebook, epub, mobi, and free download was written by James Stewart, Daniel K. Clegg, and Saleem Watson. Who is right to read this book? One of them is for students majoring in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) who want to learn calculus with a focus on problem solving, mathematical accuracy, and interesting examples and exercises.


This book is the best-selling calculus series in the world and has been used by many universities in various countries. Some colleges get this book in its own state language translation.

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This book Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition has several advantages compared to previous editions, including:

  • This book uses a metric system that is more general and easy to understand by students in various countries.
  • This book adds more interesting and relevant examples and exercises to STEM applications.
  • This book updates several topics and concepts that developed in the field of calculus, such as the Taylor series, indefinite integrals, and differential equations.
  • The book provides online access to additional learning resources, such as videos, animations, and quizzes.

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Cover Image of Calculus Early Transcendentals 9th Edition by James Stewart
Source: Amazon

Table of Contents


To the Student.

Diagnostic Tests. A Preview of Calculus.

  1. FUNCTIONS AND MODELS. Four Ways to Represent a Function. Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions. New Functions from Old Functions. Exponential Functions. Inverse Functions and Logarithms. Review. Principles of Problem Solving.
  2. LIMITS AND DERIVATIVES. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. The Precise Definition of a Limit. Continuity. Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes. Derivatives and Rates of Change. Writing Project: Early Methods for Finding Tangents. The Derivative as a Function. Review. Problems Plus.
  3. DIFFERENTIATION RULES. Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions. Applied Project: Building a Better Roller Coaster. The Product and Quotient Rules. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule.

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About of Author

The number of authors of this book is 3 people. They are scientists who like to share knowledge with many people. Here’s a quick look at their profiles for you to know:

James Stewart (1941-2014)

Is a world-renowned mathematician and author of calculus textbooks. He earned an M.S. from Stanford University and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. He conducted research at the University of London and was influenced by the famous mathematician, George Polya, at Stanford University. He taught as a professor of mathematics at McMaster University and the University of Toronto. His field of research is harmonic analysis.

Daniel K. Clegg

Is a professor of mathematics at Palomar College, California. He received his B.S. from Brigham Young University and his Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego. He has co-authored several calculus textbooks with James Stewart and Saleem Watson. He is also interested in the development of mathematical software and technological applications in mathematics teaching.

Saleem Watson

Is a professor of mathematics at California State University, Long Beach. He received his B.A. from the University of Cambridge and Ph.D. from the University of Washington. He has co-authored several calculus textbooks with James Stewart and Daniel K. Clegg. He is also active in professional and mathematical community activities, such as being a member of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.

Product Details

The book was published by Cengage Learning on January 9, 2020 with the 9th edition and is written in English and has 1376 pages. The ISBN-10 number of this book is 1337613924 and the ISBN-13 number of this book is 978-1337613927. The weight of this book is 5.45 pounds and its size is 8.75 x 2 x 10.25 inches.

Publisher Language Hardcover ISBN-10 ISBN-13 Item Weight Dimensions
Cengage Learning; 9th edition (January 9, 2020) English 1376 pages 1337613924 978-1337613927 5.45 pounds 8.75 x 2 x 10.25 inches


Where to Buy Books

The book can be purchased online at websites such as Amazon,, Wiley, or Cengage Learning. The price of this book varies depending on the seller and its format. Here are some price comparisons from several websites:

  • Amazon: $199.17 for hardcover, $49.49 – $86.49 for eTextbook
  • Free to PDF
  • Wiley: $200.00 for hardcover, $160.00 for loose-leaf, $100.00 for eTextbook
  • Cengage Learning: $199.95 for hardcover, $119.99 for eTextbook

Book Download Link

The following is some website information for the download link for the book Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition:

  • This website provides a free PDF of this book that you can download by creating a free account. You can also view the profile and publications of the author of this book on this website.
  • Darmajaya: This website is a repository of the Darmajaya Institute of Informatics and Business, which stores this book in PDF format. You can download this book for free without the need to log in.
  • Sciarium: This website provides this book in PDF format that you can download by paying some money. You can also see a brief description and table of contents of this book on this website.
  • Internet Archive: This website is a digital library that stores a wide variety of books, videos, audio, and images. You can download this book in PDF or EPUB format for free. You can also read this book online or borrow it by creating a free account.

The availability of this Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition in PDF, eBook, epub format is no guarantee. Because it waits for people who are willing to share and also permission from the book publisher who owns the copyright. If you find this book that is free and can be downloaded, then you are very lucky.

If you want this book to be reproduced, please buy Kindle and Nook. Kindle format can be purchased on Amazon, while Nook can be purchased at Barnes & Noble.


Much of the important information in this book, such as Functions and models, explains how mathematical functions are represented and their relationship to real-world models. Then this book also discusses limits and derivatives, which discuss the concept of limit functions, continuity, limit calculation rules, and the definition of derivatives as the rate of change of functions.

It’s time for you to have this book right now!

Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition by James Stewart

Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition by James Stewart is a definitive and indispensable resource for students delving into the intricacies of calculus. Stewart, a renowned mathematician, combines his expertise with a clear and engaging writing style to create a textbook that demystifies complex mathematical concepts.

This 9th edition maintains the high standards set by its predecessors, offering a comprehensive exploration of calculus with a focus on early transcendentals. By introducing transcendental functions from the start, students are provided with a holistic understanding of calculus, encompassing not only traditional concepts but also exponential and logarithmic functions. This approach prepares learners for advanced mathematical study while emphasizing the practical applications of calculus in various fields.

Stewart’s textbook is characterized by its accessibility. Complex ideas are broken down into manageable sections, and the inclusion of numerous examples and applications ensures that students can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. The clarity of exposition and the incorporation of visual aids contribute to a learning experience that is both illuminating and engaging.

Moreover, the 9th edition embraces technology to enhance the learning process. Online resources, including quizzes and interactive exercises, provide students with additional tools for self-assessment and reinforcement of key concepts. This integration of digital elements aligns with modern educational practices, catering to diverse learning styles and fostering a deeper understanding of calculus.

Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition is not just a textbook; it is a gateway to mathematical proficiency. Whether used in the classroom or for self-study, this edition equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the challenges of calculus. With its emphasis on early transcendentals, practical applications, and technological integration, Stewart’s textbook remains an authoritative and accessible guide for learners embarking on their journey through calculus.

Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition PDF Reddit

Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition PDF Reddit opens a digital gateway to James Stewart’s acclaimed textbook. This online version caters to the contemporary student, offering convenient access to a wealth of mathematical knowledge. The PDF format ensures portability, allowing users to carry the comprehensive guide on various devices, promoting flexible and on-the-go learning.

Available on Reddit, this PDF version facilitates a collaborative learning environment. Students and enthusiasts can share insights, discuss problem-solving strategies, and provide additional resources. The Reddit community enhances the overall learning experience, fostering a sense of camaraderie among those navigating the challenges of calculus.

The digital format also enables quick and efficient searches, aiding users in finding specific topics or examples. The accessibility of the PDF on Reddit reflects the evolving landscape of educational resources, embracing digital platforms for widespread dissemination of knowledge. Whether accessed for personal study or as a supplementary resource in a classroom setting, “Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition PDF Reddit” symbolizes the intersection of traditional learning and modern technology, making calculus education more accessible and collaborative than ever before.

James Stewart Calculus 9th Edition

James Stewart Calculus 9th Edition is a cornerstone in the realm of calculus education, authored by the esteemed mathematician James Stewart. This edition stands as a testament to Stewart’s dedication to providing students with a clear and comprehensive understanding of calculus concepts. Renowned for its lucid explanations and pedagogical prowess, the 9th edition continues to be a go-to resource for students navigating the complexities of calculus.

Stewart’s writing style combines precision with accessibility, ensuring that both beginners and advanced learners can engage with the material effectively. The textbook covers essential calculus topics, from limits and derivatives to integrals and transcendental functions, guiding students through the foundational principles of this mathematical discipline.

With an emphasis on real-world applications, Stewart bridges the gap between theory and practice, demonstrating the relevance of calculus across various fields of study. The 9th edition evolves with the changing educational landscape, incorporating digital resources and interactive elements to enhance the learning experience.

James Stewart Calculus 9th Edition is not just a textbook; it is a roadmap for students seeking mastery in calculus. Its enduring popularity attests to its effectiveness in empowering learners to grasp the intricacies of calculus while fostering an appreciation for the beauty and applicability of mathematical principles.

Stewart Calculus 9th Edition

Stewart Calculus 9th Edition stands as a pinnacle in the world of calculus education, authored by the esteemed mathematician James Stewart. This edition exemplifies Stewart’s commitment to delivering a comprehensive and accessible guide for students embarking on their journey through calculus.

Known for its clarity of exposition and engaging pedagogy, the 9th edition covers essential calculus concepts with precision and depth. From foundational principles like limits and derivatives to the exploration of transcendental functions, the textbook provides a structured and intuitive approach to mastering calculus.

Stewart’s writing style simplifies complex mathematical ideas, making the subject accessible to a broad range of learners. Real-world applications are seamlessly integrated, emphasizing the practical relevance of calculus in diverse fields. The 9th edition adapts to modern educational needs by incorporating digital resources and interactive elements, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Stewart Calculus 9th Edition is not merely a textbook but a guide that empowers students to navigate the complexities of calculus with confidence. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its effectiveness in fostering mathematical understanding and instilling an appreciation for the beauty and utility of calculus principles.

Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th

Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th presents an enriching exploration of fundamental mathematical concepts, authored with expertise and clarity. This edition serves as a guide through the intricate landscape of calculus, offering a comprehensive and accessible resource for students and educators alike.

The 9th edition introduces early transcendentals, delving into transcendental functions from the outset. This approach provides a holistic understanding of calculus, seamlessly integrating traditional concepts with exponential and logarithmic functions. It not only equips students with a solid foundation for advanced studies but also underscores the practical applications of calculus in various disciplines.

The textbook, characterized by its lucid explanations and illustrative examples, facilitates a profound grasp of calculus principles. Its pedagogical structure supports a step-by-step learning journey, making abstract concepts tangible for learners at all levels. Real-world applications are interwoven throughout the text, emphasizing the relevance of calculus in everyday scenarios.

Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th is not just a book; it’s a pathway to mathematical mastery. With its emphasis on early transcendentals, clear presentation of concepts, and practical applications, this edition stands as an indispensable resource for those seeking a robust understanding of calculus in its various dimensions. Whether in the classroom or for self-directed study, this textbook paves the way for a comprehensive exploration of early transcendentals in the realm of calculus.

Calculus Early Transcendentals 9th Edition Quizlet

Calculus Early Transcendentals 9th Edition Quizlet extends the learning experience beyond traditional textbooks, offering an interactive and dynamic platform for students to reinforce and assess their understanding of calculus concepts. This Quizlet resource complements the textbook by James Stewart, providing an additional layer of support for learners navigating the intricacies of early transcendentals.

The Quizlet platform features a curated set of quizzes, flashcards, and interactive exercises specifically tailored to align with the content of the 9th edition. Students can engage with these resources to test their comprehension, reinforce key concepts, and hone problem-solving skills. The versatility of Quizlet allows for various study modes, enabling learners to adapt their review sessions to suit their preferred learning style.

This resource facilitates collaborative learning as users can create and share custom study sets, fostering a sense of community among students grappling with similar challenges. Its accessibility enhances the flexibility of study sessions, allowing users to review material anytime, anywhere, whether preparing for exams or seeking additional practice.

Calculus Early Transcendentals 9th Edition Quizlet is a valuable companion, offering an interactive and engaging supplement to the textbook. It transforms the learning experience into a dynamic and adaptable process, empowering students to master the intricacies of early transcendentals in calculus through a personalized and collaborative approach.



Cover Image of Calculus Early Transcendentals 9th Edition by James Stewart
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