Events Management: An Introduction 3rd Edition by Charles Bladen PDF Free Download

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Book Description

It’s not easy to manage an event. Everyone who has had experience managing a university celebration or sporting competition knows how the situation can turn so bad. Fortunately, Events Management: An Introduction 3rd Edition, pdf, ebook, epub, mobi, kindle, free download by Charles Bladen is there to help us. Written by professionals, you’ll learn about how to manage a music event, the arts, and other events.


The book is very insightful and practical at the same time. It gives you a better understanding of the whole subject by learning all the variables involved in it. You’ll have a better idea about the financial aspect, the importance of safety, and how the media will have a huge impact.

Events Management: An Introduction Third Edition consists of 15 parts. Each page talks about a different topic. The book itself has a total of 432 pages, with the addition of an index page and a reference. All of the chapters are organized in such a way that there is a natural flow from one topic to the next. This does not only make the book easier to read, but it also makes it more enjoyable.

As you read the book, you will learn anything you need to know about event management. Chapter 6 talks, for instance, about event finance, while Chapter 9 explains sporting events. There are also discussions about big events, company events, and the media. Events Management: An Introduction 3rd Edition is definitely a must have book for those who want to learn about event management.

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Three dedicated authors wrote this good-quality learning material. They are Dr. Balden, Dr. Kennel, Dr. Emma Abson, and Dr. Wilde. Dr. Bladen is an international business consultant, and Dr. Kennel is an associate professor at the University of Surrey. Moreover, Dr. Emma Abson is a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, while Dr. Wilde is an expert in sports marketing. All of them are respected figures in the field of event management, albeit in different categories. However, that’s actually the reason that this book is rich in information.

There are many ways to get this item. You can buy it offline and online. If you want to save energy, online shopping should be your choice. You can buy it from Amazon, eBay, and others. The free document is sometimes available, but you have to be careful with links that contain malware. Furthermore, it’s better to buy Events Management: An Introduction, 3rd Edition, as the price compensates for the quality. For the hardcover version, you can buy it for $150, while for the paperback one, it’s $56.

Cover Image of Events Management: An Introduction Third Edition PDF Download
Source: Amazon

About of Author

The author of this book is named Charles Bladen. According to a page from a source on the internet reported that Charles Bladen is Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Events Management at GSM London, UK. James Kennell is Principal Lecturer and Program Leader for Events.

James Kennell (Author), Emma Abson (Author), Nick Wilde (Author).

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Table of Contents

To find out the contents of this third edition of the book, we open one of the marketplace pages. And here is the information:

  1. Introduction to Events Management
  2. Event Project Management: Feasibility, Planning, Delivery and Evaluation
  3. Event Design and Production
  4. Event Operations
  5. Event Human Resource Management
  6. Event Finance
  7. Event Marketing
  8. Event Law, Health, Safety and Risk Management
  9. Sporting Events
  10. Mega-Events
  11. Events in the Public and Third Sectors
  12. Business Events
  13. Cultural Events and Festivals
  14. Event Impacts and Sustainability
  15. Events and the Media

Product Details

  • Publisher : Routledge; 3rd edition (January 31, 2023)
  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 466 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0367610043
  • ISBN-13 : 978-0367610043
  • Item Weight : 99 pounds

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Download Link

The book is issued in 2023. In addition to selling the print edition, you can also buy this third edition book in digital form.

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Finally, you can buy this book on the marketplace. After purchase, please read and have a discussion with schoolmates.

If in the process of reading there are things you do not understand, please ask the author of this book named Charles Bladen. Questions can be submitted via email or social media.


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